Tynan Richards

Who am I?

I'm currently studying for my bachelor's degree in computer science at the ETH Zürich.
You can find my CV here: English | German

I like programming, logic puzzles and math. I'm currently polishing off some of my private programming projects to publish them on this website. I've also solved 142 problems on Project Euler.
I compete annually in the International Math and Logic Games and have participated twice in the Google Hash Code competition.

Alter ego

You may also know me as tzann.
I'm a passionate gamer and speedrunner, mostly focused on improving my own skillset. I'm currently part of the imProve Rocket League team, though I used to play League of Legends competitively as well.
You can find my speedrunning records on my speedrun.com profile.

Since first getting involved in the swiss gaming scene, I've founded and joined a few gaming organisations. I'm the president of imProve Gaming, manager of the League of Legends team for Lausanne-Sport eSports and head of tech for the Helvetic Speedrunners.

Gaming Organisations:

imProve was founded in 2015 with the common goal of just getting better at games. We started off with 3 League of Legends teams, but expanded into Overwatch, Rocket League and a few other games.

Lausanne-Sport eSports is the eSports division of Lausanne-Sport, a swiss football club.

Helvetic Speedrunners is an organisation for swiss speedrunners. We run the Helvetic Speedrunners Marathon and represent the swiss speedrunning scene in the European United Runners Organisation.

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